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We would recommend that you:

  1. Make a list/inventory of all of the items you own, that would need moving. Furniture, boxes, suitcases, bags
  2. research removal companies in your area and choose at least 5 that you would like to contact
  3. make sure you mention if your in a flat or house, what floor your on if flat and any challenges or difficulties the company might have removing items and moving them in the new place.
  4. Be open to letting a removal company carry out a home assessment to price up a move for you, this helps you and helps them with learning the processes of moving home from a professional. 

An average move will consist of many factors depending on the size of the move. 

An average move would take between 6-8 hours minimum to complete. 

Get in touch today. We are here and happy to help you with anything you might require.

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